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See What People Think

TrueViews displays estimates of public opinion on many issues and at numerous geographic levels. Simply choose an issue and a geographic level, and the map updates accordingly.


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The color spectrum runs from 0% to 100% support for or opposition to a policy. It is oriented so that purple represents the "liberal" position on each issue, and orange represents the "conservative" stance.

More opaque (darker) areas indicate higher population density.

Trueviews' public opinion estimates are derived from national surveys. All data on this front page comes from the most recent year in which each survey question was asked. TrueViews' state pages also provide historical information and tabular data for sub-state units. TrueViews is committed to presenting public opinion estimates neutrally and transparently. These estimates are generated using a method known as multilevel regression and poststratification. TrueViews is a collaboration of scholars and organizations at George Washington University and Harvard University.